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How to Listen

If you’re new to podcasts, these instructions walk you through how to find the right app and set it up to listen to “A Long Look” as well as other podcasts. If you’re an experienced listener, click on the links below. Note: Podcast Addict link takes you to the Play Store.

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Pandora | Pocket Casts | Podcast Addict | Amazon Music | iHeart Radio

The Website

Listening here is the easiest way to follow the show. The site is available on any browser on any device and recent episodes appear right on the home page. Just tap on an episode and scroll down to find the player. Internet connection required.

Streaming Services

Spotify | Pandora | Amazon Music | Audible | iHeart Radio

If you already listen to music or audiobooks on these services, you can listen to podcasts too! Just launch the app, search for “A Long Look Podcast” and hit that follow or subscribe button! Internet connection required.


The advantage to podcast apps is they automatically download new episodes right to your phone or tablet so you can listen anytime, anywhere! Use the links below to download the right app for you.

Pro Tip: Each app allows you to set up a notification so you don’t miss new episodes. Tap the show’s thumbnail and look for the Settings gear wheel icon. (You might have to tap a three-dots or three-lines type of menu first) Scroll until you find notifications.

iPhone & iPad

These apps can also be used by visually impaired listeners

Apple Podcasts (comes installed on iPhone and iPad)
Look for the purple icon with the word “Podcast” under it. Search for “A Long Look Podcast” and it should be the first result. Tap to go to the show page where you’ll see all the episodes listed.

Tap the play button in any episode to listen right away and hit the Follow button so you don’t miss any new ones!

Overcast (Apple Store)
Search for “A Long Look Podcast” and tap Add Podcast when it appears. Note: Tap the gear wheel icon on home screen to find notifications settings.


Podcast Addict (Google Play Store)
On the top menu bar, tap the Add button that looks like a plus sign inside a circle. The Search tool will be on the menu of the next screen. Find “A Long Look Podcast” and hit Subscribe. Tap the Episodes button on the next screen to see a complete list.

Pocket Casts (Google Play Store)
Use the Search tool in the top menu to find and follow “A Long Look Podcast.”

Finding New Podcasts

The home screen of your app is a good place to start. They usually feature shows they’re promoting but you can also browse by category. These may be on the home screen or you may have to tap on the Search icon or look for one called Discover or Browse.

Keep in mind, there are thousands of podcasts of varying quality and credibility, so use the same judgement you do with a new website or social media account. Check out the show’s description, which might include who the host or producer are. Some apps tell you how many episodes they’ve produced and how recently.

A show doesn’t have be current or have loads of episodes to be good, though. Lots of excellent shows have been short-run series, while others eventually end after many years. And many go on hiatus and return, just like TV shows. But they remain available in the apps and are definitely worth checking out. Best way to judge is to just pick an episode and listen!